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Hours CST: Mon-Thurs, 10am–5pm; Fri-Sat, 10am - 2pm; Sunday Closed

926 North State Street
Lockport, IL, 60441


Hollingworth Candies signature toffees  and candies are handmade and blend the finest, freshest ingredients. Indulge in wonder. Bite into delight. 

Pure ingredients. Pure indulgence. Pure bliss. 



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...And What You've Said

Try our melt-in-your-mouth amazing toffee and other handmade candies.

“You had me at dark chocolate!”
—Tonya, Omaha, NE

“Consider me a member of the Hollingworth frequent flier club. I always buy your toffee!”
— Laurie, MN

“I buy toffee from Hollingworth year after year. You make the best toffee!”

— Susan, IL

"Ardell says...It's one gift that never gets regifted!" 

— Elaine, Joliet, IL